Tooth Fairy Door Hanger To Sew

I dont do much sewing but would like to. I do sometimes make things out of felt and this is one such creation.

My darling baby had to have 2 teeth taken out the other day <sob> and all he seemed bothered about was the tooth fairy bringing him some pennies. He wasnt anything like as upset as me (which is good, I think).

So rather than let the tooth fairy wake him up in the night rummaging under his pillow (he is the lightest sleeper ever) I made this to hang on the door knob. I hope you like it and it can bring a bit of happiness to other gappy individuals.


Copy and paste the picture below into something like word so you can print, the pic should be A4 sized to get a hanger the same size as mine. To do this you will have to reduce the margins and stretch the picture to fill the page.

You will need – Felt in white, eye colour of choice, black and red. Ribbon for hanging and toy stuffing (I cant find any near where I live so I bought a cheap cuchion and ripped it open).

tooth hanger

Instructions –

Cut out all pieces according to template (you dont really have to cut round the little white bit for the eye, thats just so you remember to make one). I used a simple running stitch to do all the sewing and doubled up the thread. I also used thread in the same colour as the piece I was sewing but you can get a nice effect using a contrasting colour.

Start with the eyes. Sew the white bit to the black bit then the black bit to the blue/green/brown/whatever colour eyes you want bit.

Position the eyes and the mouth on one of the tooth pieces and make sure you are happy. Pin them into position and stitch them on, you only stitch the bottom half of the mouth on as this is the pocket for teeth and money.

Then put the two white bits together. Put the ribbon in place NOW or you will end up cursing and unpicking to get back to that bit later (or perhaps thats just me).

Sew almost all the way round the tooth shape making sure the ribbon is very secure, I did 3 lines of stitching as small children have a habit of yanking things too hard if there is something they want inside.

When you have just a couple of inches left to stitch, stuff the tooth shape lightly. Then finish off the stitching and tidy up the ends of the thread.


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